22 April 2024

PhD Course: Applied Methods in Crop Physiology

greenhouse with plants and a pink hue from the light

VOLT PhD student Marta Contreras Serrano recently attended a PhD course in Aarhus called "Applied Methods in Crop Physiology". Read more about her experience below.

"On day one we discussed photosynthesis measurements and did some practice on them with gas exchange systems. On day 2 we covered leaf fluorescence measurements and also did some practice with PAM-fluorometers on stressed versus not stressed plants. On day 3 and half of day 4 we did plant water relations (also theory and lab), and finally on days 4 and 5 we did nitrogen and fertilisation theory. Days 1 and 2 were the most relevant for me, but I really enjoyed the rest as well. " - recalls Marta.

Agro food park in Aarhus

The agro food park campus of Aarhus University is super cool, they have amazing greenhouses and huge climate chamber spaces, and they introduced us to some of their ongoing experiments.

It was a bit different for me because everyone had an agriculture and agroecology background, and I was the only one working with natural setups and wild plants, but it was very useful to learn and discuss the different techniques, which I can still apply for my work.

greenhouse with plants
