2025.02.28 VOLT PhD student receives prestigious Elite Forsk travel grant PhD student Marta Contreras Serrano from VOLT (Center for Volatile Interactions) at Copenhagen University's Department of Biology has received an EliteForsk travel grant from the Ministry of Higher Education and…
2025.02.13 Tremendous funding success for VOLT Center! Last week was filled with great news, as four(!) of our Center postdocs were awarded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) postdoctoral fellowships! From left to right: Yunyao Ma, Wanying Zhang, Mehrshad Foroughan, and…
2025.01.30 1 year of VOLT: a review of 2024 2024 was the first full year running for VOLT, and what a year it has been! We started strong with external visitors already from January: Arnaud Praplan, atmospheric chemist from the Finnish Meteorological Institute,…
2025.01.30 2024 VOLT Publications Highlights 2024 was the first full year running for VOLT Center, and and there have been many exciting activities, collaborations, new people joining, cool instruments arriving and promising data being generated. This has also bee…
2025.01.28 Villum Young Investigator grant for Yi Jiao from VOLT Yi Jiao, former Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions postdoc at VOLT was just awarded a prestigious Young Investigator grant from the Villum Foundation. The official award ceremony took place in January at the Queen's Hall,…
2024.11.04 Is moss the boss? VOLT’s Kathrin Rousk just got over 3 million DKK from DFF (Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond) for an exciting new project that will look into the interactions between moss and cyanobacteria. You can read the official summary…
2024.10.28 Open positions! VOLT is currently actively recruiting two 3-year postdocs in modelling! Click HERE for more information!
2024.08.19 New podcast with Riikka Rinnan New podcast with Riikka Rinnan VOLT's centerleder, Professor Riikka Rinnan, var for nylig inviteret til at deltage i en dansk podcast "Videnskab fra Vilde Hjerner", hvor hun diskuterede centerets formål samt…
2024.08.08 The complexity of moss-cyanobacteria symbiosis When people hear of symbiosis, they tend to think of it as an inherently positive term describing an equally benefiting relationship. However, symbiosis is traditionally defined as different species living together in…
2024.04.18 New Nature paper: Tundra ecosystems breathe heavier with rising temperatures New Nature paper: Tundra ecosystems breathe heavier with rising temperatures VOLT has contributed to a large international article that documents persistently increasing ecosystem respiration (release of CO2 from soil…
2024.04.03 Global N2O emissions from our planet N2O is a very potent greenhouse gas contributing to climate change. The production and therefore emissions are greatly influenced by anthropogenic activities such as agriculture...
2023.12.29 2023 Publications Highlights VOLT center started this year and there have been many exciting activities, collaborations, new people joining, cool instruments arriving and promising data being generated. While most of the new data still needs to be…
2023.12.20 10 months of VOLT: a review of 2023 VOLT has started in March 2023 and what a year it has been! The official opening ceremony was in June, with a great turnout, VIP guest speakers and a musical moment, followed by a reception. In addition, while waiting…
2023.05.24 VOLT research wins Haldane prize Our article ”High nitrogen-fixing rates associated with ground-covering mosses in a tropical mountain cloud forest will decrease drastically in a future climate” published in the journal Functional Ecology has won the…